Hollywood 2.0

H20-pen House on 6/5

Come learn more about the innovative program already making a big impact on our community.

An open house for community members to hear directly from H20 team leaders and providers about the latest updates and accomplishments of the program, along with the many new innovations in the works.

CLICK HERE to reserve your FREE ticket today!

Flyer for H20's next community event on 6/5/24

Origins of Hollywood 2.0

The conception and goals of this innovative program

The idea for H20 was hatched in Trieste, Italy. People living with mental health conditions there have been treated effectively for decades with community-centered care and compassion. After several visits to Trieste, a delegation of progressive LA leaders in both the mental health and homelessness sectors determined to bring this model of “radical hospitality” to an American community that needed it badly. Hollywood 2.0 was born.

Dr. Franco Basaglia, the psychiatrist who revolutionized Italy's mental health system

Community Launch

Five years after conception, H20 launches in July of 2022

Once LACDMH received approval to proceed with this innovative program, they recognized the need for a partner who could help activate the Hollywood community. H4WRD was the logical choice. After bringing together a robust coalition of public/private stakeholders invested in creating systemic change, H4WRD helped support DMH with the launch of H20 in July of 2022.


Hollywood 2.0 Workgroups

Workgroups are formed to gather community input

Our weekly newsletters offer a wide range of resources and content – from volunteer opportunities and free produce pickups, to H4WRD-driven initiatives and updates from our service provider partners – curated to activate, educate, and inspire our community.

Community Activation/ Focus Groups

Community Activation/Focus Groups

Supporting and listening to those with lived experience.

Ever since its launch, H20 has continually cast a light on the lived experience of those the program is designed to support. In fall ‘22, that meant hosting a screening of a documentary about the world’s first orchestra comprised primarily of musicians living with mental health conditions. In early ‘23, we gathered three focus groups from the TAY (Transitional Aged Youth), SMI (Serious Mental Illness) and PEH (persons experiencing homelessness) populations, which helped provide the H20 workgroups with invaluable ideas and contributions.

Feedback from H20's Focus Group with persons experiencing homelessness
Drumming for Your Life Founder, Steven Angel, speaks up at H20’s Crosswalk event

In-person Crosswalk

Workgroups gather to select top ideas for DMH.

After months of meeting only virtually, our Crosswalk event in February ‘23 brought all 3 workgroups together in person for the first time. The DMH team provided updates from their end, while the workgroups offered an overview of their work so far. The Crosswalk culminated in an engaged polling process, which allowed participants to select the top ideas each group would submit to DMH.

Concept Notes / Recommendations

Workgroups create/submit Concept Notes for top ideas.

Following the Crosswalk polling process, the workgroups divided up into six subgroups to create Concept Notes for each idea being recommended to DMH for further consideration. The six Concept Notes below represent the product of nearly a year of workgroup meetings and focused community engagement – and the culmination of a 6 year vision of bringing “radical hospitality” to Hollywood:

H20's catchment area

With greater resources and greater reach, Hollywood 2.0 offers services to an area that extends slightly beyond H4WRD's boundaries.
Contact Us

H20 Partners

Send us an email at H20@Hollywood4WRD.org to stay up to date on our progress!

Email Us!

You can also contact DMH's Program Manager here: hollywood2.0@dmh.lacounty.gov

Hollywood 2.0 Resources

Click image to download.
Click image to download.

H20 First Meeting Powerpoints

H20 / Place Meeting 1 (ppt)


H20 / Purpose Meeting 1 (PDF)


H20 / People-Systems Meeting 1 (PDF)


Annual Report

2023 Annual Report
