H20-pen House #3 drew close to 200 attendees as community feels impact of innovative program.
The Hollywood 2.0-pen House took place June 5th on the Hollywood campus of Emerson College LA, drawing an attendance of close to 200 and turning out to be one of Hollywood 4WRD's most engaging community gatherings.
The 3rd H20-pen House featured opening remarks from H4WRD's Executive Director, Brittney Weissman, and CD 13's Councilmember Hugo Soto-Martinez whose comments underscored how committed he and his team are to the continued evolution and expansion of the innovative pilot program.
Our LACDMH partners offered staffing and housing updates, as well as a glimpse behind the curtain at the enriched residential care being received by H20 housing clients.
Much of the focus of the event was on the lived experience of the community members already benefitting from H20's progress:
- Jon, community volunteer, shared about the recent efforts spearheaded by Heart Forward LA to create a community garden at the Mark Twain with the help of residents from neighboring housing sites
- Rivers, Peer Events Coordinator at the Mark Twain, offered heartwarming anecdotes about the engaging group outings and activities enjoyed by their residents
- Kiki, an ambassador member of the Hollywood Clubhouse, provided the emotional highlight of the night expressing gratitude for the support and care she's received – and the growth she's experienced – since entering the H20 program.
For those in attendance that day, thanks in advance for completing this 2-minute POST-EVENT SURVEY. Your honest feedback helps us continue to make these H20-pen Houses as engaging and informative as possible.
For more event highlights, check out this warp-speed mingling video, visit H4WRD's Instagram, and/or join the H4WRD mailing list to stay current on all things H20- and H4WRD-related.